Understanding Hotjar Compatibility and Compliance Issues in China

In this article, we’ll discuss Hotjar, how it works for companies internationally and its challenges in the Chinese market, focused on speed and legal compliance.

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Hotjar is a potent tool for understanding how users interact with web content. By providing heat mapping, session replay, and other behavioral analytics features, it helps businesses improve their user experience. Renowned companies utilising Hotjar include Microsoft, IKEA, Intuit, and Samsung, among others, incorporating various industries and scales.

Being an all-in-one analytics and feedback platform, it gives you the ‘big picture’ of how to improve your site’s user experience and performance. Moreover, with enterprises leveraging its technology, Hotjar has paved its path as a trusted platform, being utilized in over 180 countries by large-scale, mid-market, and startups companies alike.

Recognised enterprises such as Dyson, Indeed and Nintendo employ Hotjar for its uncomplicated user interface and insightful analytics. Its capabilities expand to mobile devices offering insights into how mobile users interact with websites, complimenting its large-scale compatibility.


Although Hotjar is a powerful tool, it encounters hurdles within the Chinese digital space. The two primary challenges are speed, due to compatibility issues, and complications surrounding legal compliance.

Hotjar hosts its data primarily on Google Cloud Platform, as mentioned explicit checks in their Official Hotjar Document. This often leads to slow loading speed in China due to the Great Firewall. Chinese regulations block or slow overseas data transfers, causing latency in the loading speed of webpages using Hotjar.

The legal compliance issue stems from China’s strict data security laws. Services like Hotjar that collect user data need to be compliant with Chinese regulations. Failing to do so can have significant consequences.

Link: CDN or 21YunBox – Which One Do You Need For China

Link: Make Your Site Compliant In China

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